Bring Women to Leadership Roles: UAE’s Minister of Economy

Dubai’s gross domestic product (GDP) is projected to grow annually at the rate of 5.5 per cent over 2014-2020 due to its recent win to host the World Expo 2020, according to Institute of International Finance (IIF) a Washington based association of 450 global banks and financial institutions.

HE Eng. Sultan Bin Saeed Al Mansoori, Minister of Economy, United Arab Emirates (UAE) highlights the vital role women would play in this growth. He explains, “The UAE has achieved impressive strides in empowering women, who today serve in leadership positions across the government and business. With one of the highest ratios in educated and skilled women, the nation is committed to further strengthening their leadership competencies. As the UAE enters a new era of growth, led by a focus on infrastructure development and diversification, the women leaders can play a strong role in the decision-making process.”

To encourage female leadership in both the public and private sector, the Global Women In Leadership Forum, endorsed by the Ministry of Economy, UAE, is taking place in November 2014 in Dubai. The forum will provide a platform for the global business community to promote economic development through female entrepreneurship and leadership.

The United Nations (UN) has confirmed its participation at the forum, which will be in line with its Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP). There are seven principles offering guidance on how to empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community, and include: establishing high level corporate leadership for gender equality; treating all women and men fairly at work by respecting and supporting human rights and non-discrimination; and promoting education, training and professional development for women.

The two day platform is being hosted and organised by the French business facilitation group naseba and will be the 16th edition of the Women In Leadership (WIL) Global Economic Forum Series previously hosted in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and China.

The forum is unique mix of talk shows, interactive panel discussions, and business lounges. It aims to attract trade delegations to network and do business with over 200 global businesswomen and female entrepreneurs. By showcasing the benefits of diversity and inclusion to the corporate world and offering women led companies a platform to do business, the forum aims to encourage both public and private organisations to become more innovative and leverage female talent.

“The WIL Forum, since its inception in 2009, has become a platform for leaders from public and private sectors and political arenas to provide first-hand insight and mentorship to businesswomen globally.

Without government support, the opportunities for women will remain limited. naseba works closely with governing bodies in the Asia, Middle East and North Africa to ensure their support is optimised and highlighted”, said Sophie Le Ray, founder of the global WIL Forum Series and CEO of naseba.

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