Digital Research Agency The Social Media Science Launches in Egypt

The first digital research agency in MENA, just launched in Egypt, The Social Media Science, is powered by the experience and efforts of one of Egypt’s Digital Media Experts and blogger Nehal Hesham.

The Social Media Science aims to change the way people see analytics in MENA and in the world. The Social Media science is not an analytics tool; it works on crafting valuable and customized business data that is built on humanized consumer insights.

The Social Media Science, launched this year their first Report “Most Buzzing TV Ads in Ramadan 2013” based on last year success of the “Most Buzzing TV Ads in Ramadan 2012” and individual project of the founder Nehal Hesham. The report aims to assess the performance of TV Ads in Ramadan in terms of their Social Presence and the viral buzz created around them.

The type of reports that are presented by The Social Media Science provide industry leaders with insights that they can actually turns into actions, some of the reports they present includes Market Analysis, Industry Analysis, Online Consumer Behavior Analysis which is an uniquely invented qualitative research of The Social Media Science, that focuses on the importance of context to help companies understand who people really are as individuals, not just as consumers, across every cultural, economic and political aspects of the region.

“We don’t only work on providing you well crafted and humanized analysis, yet we help our customers in taking the right actions by providing them with different and tailored consultancies and trainings services,” said Nehal Hesham, founder of The Social Media Science.

The Social Media Science promises to take the digital world to the next level with giving the world access to cases and practices of digital and social media practices around MENA. “We aim to boost the performance of not only companies and organizations, but also to professionals, by exposing them to different resources from templates, white papers and soon e-books to help in upgrading their performance,” Nehal Hesham.

The Social Media Science, is built on a prove track record in Digital Media Practices and analytics of its founder and its mission is to help clients identify the customers that have most value and most potential value for their business, and provide the world with a handful of resources and practices.

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