Fincasa enters into an agreement with IMT Business School Dubai

IMT Business School Dubai

Fincasa has signed an agreement with IMT Business School Dubai, an international business school that will support budding entrepreneurs to grow their businesses in the UAE and help expand the start-up ecosystem in the UAE.

The agreement will help fund business ideas of students of IMT Business School and turn them into successful start-ups with the support of Fincasa. This will eventually help breed new businesses, create employment and help the UAE economy grow.

“If things go as planned, we could see scores of start-ups being created through our collaborative efforts. Instead of becoming job-seekers, we will see IMT Business School produces job-creators through the start-ups,” said Sayed Varis, CEO of Fincasa.

Dr Subhajyoti Ray, Director of IMT Business School Dubai, said, “The UAE ecosystem for the start-up has never been better, but you still need the right skills and knowledge to be successful. This collaboration has the potential to revolutionise the start-up scenario in UAE.”

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