OST secures a grant from AfricaGrow to support entrepreneurs in Africa

OST secures a grant from AfricaGrow to support entrepreneurs in Africa

Open Startup (OST)-International, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in the Middle East and Africa, has secured a grant from its newest partner, the AfricaGrow Technical Assistance Facility funded by the German Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation. This three-year partnership will enable OST to expand its activities in Africa, supporting entrepreneurs and startups with resources, networks, and expertise to help them succeed.

AfricaGrow’s support for OST is a significant milestone for the non-profit organization, as it demonstrates its commitment to fostering a thriving startup ecosystem in Africa and beyond. OST’s mission is to connect different ecosystems and create opportunities for entrepreneurs, and this new partnership will enable it to continue pursuing this goal.

As part of its new chapter, OST plans to reinforce its cross-border community of startups and focus on investment readiness with the help of partners such as BPI France, Go Ventures, and AfricInvest. The organization will also continue to build and foster deep tech in Africa through its Brain program, supported by partners such as IFC, AfrInvest, and the U.S. Embassy in Tunis, in partnership with The Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship at MIT, MIT Africa, and Instadeep.

To kick off this new chapter, OST is excited to announce its two first activities, the second edition of its “OST Global Immersion Week” (OST GIW) – a regional event that will bring together experts, investors, ecosystem builders, startups, and other stakeholders from Morocco, Jordan, Senegal, Tunisia, adding this year Algeria. This week is designed to foster cross-regional collaboration and offer a snapshot of the startup ecosystem in the region.  The event, which will take place from March 13th to March 17th, 2023.

The Brain MIT Bootcamp– a five-day training program that aims to support 30 research-scientists and that is delivered by representatives and experts from

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The objective of this activity is to contribute to the foundation of DeepTech in Africa. The event, which will take place from March 18th to March 22nd, 2023.

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