Your Personal Car Matchmaker

My Startup World speaks to the team behind TheCarTest. They explain how their platform can help users select the right car

Tell us about TheCarTest.
We start at the beginning of the retail journey, capturing the consumer with a ‘concierge-style’ consumer-first approach. Our objective is simple, to establish a relationship with consumers as a trusted mobility advisor and in return the customer will provide invaluable data. Think of it as a personal new car shopper.

Our swipe ‘n’ drive match- maker brings the emotion back into the decision-making process. For OEMs and car dealers the ability to aggregate real-time data within an ‘offline’ environment is a ground-breaking opportunity as the retail journey is then quantified and aggregated with each car that’s tested. The user is rewarded with each rating that’s recorded, up to four per day which essentially makes their test drive free and inherently the final ticket
price much cheaper ($4,788 average).

How does the platform help customers make the right decision?
The data we collect through the platform, sheds new light on the various cars driven and enables manufacturers to adjust their product platform mix accordingly, subsequently saving them millions with each new car model that’s released. TheCarTest is an automotive marketplace that provides new car buyers with access to trusted mobility advice.

Buyers can select from a short list of cars they love for a 3-7 day ‘try before you buy’ test drive experience. With this unique brand to buyer connection The Cartest gives OEM’s and car dealers the ability to aggregate real-time data within an ‘offline’ environment. This enables the promotion of preferential price points to individually target and incentivise consumers directly within the buying process.

What is the USP of your solution?
Our swipe’n’drive match maker brings emotion back into the decision-making process with a unique brand-to-buyer connection. The ability to aggregate real-time data within an “offline” environment is a ground-breaking opportunity for OEM’s and car dealers who can promote preferential price points allowing them to individually target and incentivise customers within the buying process.

Who is your target audience?
No longer do customers view their retail journeys in an industry specific vacuum. Gen Y buyers compare their retail experience across a multitude of industries regardless of the product or service in question. The average consumer spends 12 weeks researching before they even enter the dealership. In the end 72% will buy something completely different.

A recent survey showed 88% of people wouldn’t buy a car without test driving it first however 81% believe the current test drive experience to be inadequate. Our ideal customer is one who wants to save time and hassle when purchasing a new car whilst knowing the final choice was the right decision. A busy young professional who is up to date with technology uses apps such as Uber.

Who is involved in the day to day operations of the company?
Christian Schaefer is the Co Founder/CEO. He has nearly ten years experience working in the digital automotive sector, including working for Carsales and cofounding Melbourne startup Carhood. Carhood has saved consumers over a million dollars in parking fees. It has 30 staff across 3 national locations, turned over $1 million in revenue in its third year and has raised $1.8 million so far.

Co-founder/ops manager is Benjamin Dokter, who comes from a customer service background working on major government projects including myki and the smart meter rollout. Benjamin worked with Christian and Steve on Carhood to help lay the groundwork for what is now a successful business operating across three states. Benjamin is also an advisor to Wheelys Melbourne where he also assists will social media and PR.

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