The Cribb Academy Offers its Courses to All

The Cribb Academy Offers its Courses to All

One of the region’s leading incubators for entrepreneurs is opening up 30 of its training programmes to entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs from any line of business, startups and corporations. The Cribb has recently opened its in-house training courses to the region’s most promising entrepreneurs and corporate houses.

The Cribb Academy is set to offer their courses to all, including government institutions, corporations, business owners, startup founders and entrepreneurs. The academy aims to provide an end-to-end service by providing training courses and one-on-one projects mentoring for entrepreneurs at the idea stage to scaling a business and for corporate houses from rethinking to reinventing their innovation models.

The company intends to reach out to more than 500 entrepreneurs and business leaders every year. The academy will be carrying out over 30 major entrepreneurial, innovation and technical courses from best-in-class innovation trainers. Ahmed Abdulwahab, Head of The Cribb Academy said, “The Cribb Academy is building, expanding and sharing our experience to people from all walks of life. The objective of the Academy is to fill the learning gap by providing entrepreneurial, innovative and technical courses.”

“Unlike traditional training courses, the Cribb Academy is focused on practical implementation and to develop and deliver training courses that are customized to the MENA environment,” Abdulwahab added. The four major tracks have courses that are delivered over half day or full day.

These track are as follows:
For entrepreneurs in the idea stage considering to start a new business. These courses help participants successfully launch their businesses by learning from proven models.

For startups looking for courses that will help scale existing business models and fast track growth.

For startups looking for technology courses that will help them to scale their technology by leveraging the latest tech trends and insights.

For corporations and government institutions looking for innovation courses that will help them to rethink and reinvent their products and business models. This track will also provide the corporate sectors a deep understanding in how to successfully encourage intraprenuership and creativity among employees.



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