BSV Global Blockchain Convention coming to Dubai in May 2022

BSV Global Blockchain Convention coming to Dubai and the convention will be held at Grand Hyatt in Dubai from May 24th to 26th 2022. The Convention is backed by Ayre Ventures and produced in partnership, and extensively covered and streamed by CoinGeek.

The Global Blockchain Convention (#GBC2022) will bring together brilliant thinkers, industry leaders, product launches and major announcements. The event will see high profile panels, presentations and discussions alongside a VIP opening event, an exhibition hall, networking events, pitch days and executive lunches, all with the opportunity to tap into the energy and ideas of the growing BSV community and the chance for dialogue with leading members driving the growth of BSV Blockchain technology today. Key industry leaders will attend to share how they are utilising BSV, their future visions for the blockchain and the new products, services and ventures that will shape the landscape going forward.

Calvin Ayre, Venture Capitalist, Real Estate Developer, Founder of Ayre Group and CoinGeek, commented “As BSV has expanded so significantly since the last conference — mostly handling over 2 million transactions a day now — we felt that the Convention needed to offer a wider remit to its delegates. As larger companies and even Governments become interested in the power of the BSV Blockchain the Convention also needed to more directly reflect what is on offer in Dubai this May.”

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