
Top Right Group Plans to Sell Middle East Venture

Top Right Group is trying to sell one of its main Middle Eastern ventures as the company continues to dispose of some of its non-core assets.

Mobile ADs Spending in the Middle East Region Will Reach $10 Million in 2012

Spending on mobile display advertisements is expected to boom in Middle East countries in the coming years due to growth in the number of mobile phone...

Samsung to Open Silicon Valley Startup Incubator

Samsung seems to be reportedly expanding its Silicon Valley presence by adding a new start-up accelerator.

Bank Muscat and IFC to Support Small Businesses

Bank Muscat and IFC have signed an agreement to facilitate financing access to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to expand business and create jobs.

PayPal Launches Middle East Operations

PayPal announced the launch of its Middle East operations with the news that it has signed an agreement with Aramex, the global logistics and transpor...

Kickstarter to Launch in Britain

Crowdfunding has been a fascinating new way for businesses and entrepreneurs to gain funding for a little while now.  The appeal is obvious, with budd...

Is Groupon and Its New Services a Safe Investment for Small Businesses?

More and more “daily deals” companies are aggressively taking action to give vendors the tools they need to sell directly.

Freelancer Buys vWorker

In an attempt to keep pace with other freelancing giants Elance and oDesk, Freelancer has purchased vWorker, the website which often is referred to as...

UAE Tops Number of Malicious Programmes Says Kaspersky Lab

Kaspersky Lab, a developer of secure content management solution, announced at Gitex Technology Week, being held in Dubai World Trade Center from the ...

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