du Supports Entrepreneurs to Nurture UAE Entrepreneurship

In further support of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the UAE, du has announced its position as a Gold Sponsor of (TiE)Entrepreneurs. Together with TiE, a prominent non-profit global community of successful Indian executives, du will nurture entrepreneurship and networking across the nation. TiE recently held a Quiz Night networking event at du’s headquarters in Dubai Media City, attended by members of the society and people from the community.

KS Parag, President, TiE Dubai, said: “TiE Dubai is proud to be associated with du as part of its goal in fostering entrepreneurship in the region. du, being an innovative telecommunication provider with a clear mandate of driving value to SMEs and enterprise businesses, shares the same vision as TiE Dubai in promoting entrepreneurship and bringing successful regional entrepreneurs in giving back to the UAE community.”

Hala Badri, Executive Vice President, Brand and Communications, du, said: “Since inception we have committed our efforts to supporting the UAE’s entrepreneurs. By partnering with TiE Dubai as a Gold Sponsor, we are able to extend our reach by supporting events that bring entrepreneurs together with members of the business community. Networking opportunities such as this are vital for developing sustainable business relations that foster growth.”

Through the collaboration, du’s executive management will be present at various TiE workshops and events as guest speakers. Their talks will encourage knowledge exchange amongst the community, which will, in turn, support entrepreneurs by providing them with access to du’s professionals.

du has provided support to the UAE’s entrepreneurial scene in various ways since the company was established in 2006. The company creates tailored telecommunications solutions for SMEs such as the Entrepreneurial Plan, as well as having launched several initiatives – such as ‘The Entrepreneur’, a reality TV show aired in 2012. Additionally, du supported events such as the Young Entrepreneur Competition for three consecutive years, and provides advice and opportunities to SMEs on procurement and contracting procedures.

To find out more about how du supports entrepreneurship in the UAE, visit www.du.ae/en/about/sustainability/Community.

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