Our goal is to offer quality products from all over the world

Our goal is to offer quality products from all over the world

Ruchika Ramsinghani, Co-Founder, Delili.ae in conversation with My Startup World explains that it has been our endeavour to serve the culinary needs of the UAE with quality products from all across the globe coupled with a unique home-grown grocery shopping experience

Can you please introduce Delili to our readers briefly?
Delili.ae is a unique home-grown grocery shopping experience that serves the avid and enthusiastic chef within. Delili carries a wide range of retail products, not only do we stock an incredible food variety but we also serve you solutions to all your culinary needs. Whether you’re looking for a curated charcuterie board or your daily fruits & vegetables – Delili has got you covered!

What made you start this venture and how do you differentiate yourself from other players in the market?
Our goal is to offer quality products from all over the world that isn’t as easily available in the UAE. From fine cheese, meats to the snacks you had growing up back home. We have also included a unique section which specifically caters to the outdoors enthusiasts, featuring camping and barbecue essentials to provide the adventurous individuals and groups with a hassle-free way of getting their hands on everything needed for a nature escapade to the location of their choice in Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman, with more locations coming soon.

How did you raise capital to fund this venture?
This venture was funded by personally borrowing from our family and friends.

What are the major obstacles you faced and how did you overcome them?
Just like any other start-up, the obstacles came in the form of many minor ones that add up along the way. There are many permissions and certifications that come along with food safety – which is priority. Then putting up our storage facilities, creating the website from scratch and fixing glitches as we go so we can offer a seamless experience for our customers. We have a great team in place, each one taking on a roll that has made Delili come together.

How do you visualize your business growth in the next 12-18 months?
We see a steady growth in our customer database as brand awareness grows. We are constantly adding new products to our platform, bettering our services and will soon be adding on an exciting loyalty program which will bring in organic growth from loyal customers.

What advice do you have for budding entrepreneurs like yourself?
Baby steps! Take on each task one at a time and do it efficiently, even though it takes time, before you know it you’re in the flow and the vision starts to come to life. It’s almost like you’re taking the plunge but in slow motion.

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