
Google Buys City-Guide App Maker JetPac

Tech giant Google has disclosed on its website that ot plans to purchase JetPac, a startup that develops travel guides using Instagram photos as reference.

Chief of Google+ resigns

Google+, which has struggled to gain traction against social networking behemoth Facebook, has lost its leader and co-founder,

20+ Google Tools and Apps You Can Use For Your Business Today – Part 2

For entrepreneurs and small business owners, Google has attractive, free tools for nearly every aspect of online productivity.

20+ Google Tools and Apps You Can Use For Your Business Today – Part 1

For entrepreneurs and small business owners, Google has attractive, free tools for nearly every aspect of online productivity.

Google sells Motorola Mobility unit to Lenovo

Google has sold struggling US mobile phone company Motorola Mobility to Chinese computer maker Lenovo for $2.91bn, in a surprise move.

Google Acquires UK Artificial Intelligence Startup

Google has made its largest European acquisition yet with the purchase of DeepMind, an artificial intelligence start-up based in London.

Google Acquires Timely App Maker Bitspin

In an odd bit of M&A news, the developers at Bitspin announced that the small company will be joining forces with Google.

Google Says Vast Majority of SMBs Are Not Online Yet

Google recently commissioned research to understand the online presence and advertising behaviour of privately-owned small companies (size of 250 employees or less) in the UAE, KSA and Egypt.

Arabic Web Days Initiative Launches to Boost Arabic Language on the Internet

Google announced the return of Arabic Web Days, an initiative to boost the amount of Arabic content on the Internet.

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