
Startup Idea: A Device That Helps New Drivers With Road Safety

The market has already seen apps such as RodeDog and Safety Sight which keep an eye on bad road habits such as texting while driving and speeding. Now, CarVi is a smart co-pilot aimed at new, elderly ...

Startup Idea: A Smart Shower That Cuts Water Wastage By Half

Water consumption is something that needs some kind of management. 

New Mobile App Grand Theft Pursuit Seeks Funding Through Indiegogo

In order to make the new mobile app, Grand Theft Pursuit, available to everyone for free, Crucial App Concepts has launched an IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign.

Developer of PumpkinRun Video Game Seeks Crowdfunding

With great anticipation, Dmitry Shkurko has launched a campaign,, to raise $5000 by December 3, 2013.

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