Startup Idea: A Device That Lets You Cook From Your Smartphone

Startup Idea: A Device That Lets You Cook From Your Smartphone

The internet of things is slowly turning homes into smart devices themselves, and we’ve already seen the AGA iTotal Control enable remote operation using mobile devices. Now Mellow is a device that takes orders via smartphones, cooking customized meals while owners go about their daily routine.

Created by Portugal-based FNV Labs, the sous-vide machine connects to users’ smartphones, enabling them to control the device from anywhere. Users first put the food they want cooking in a plastic bag, and then place it into the water-filled container. The food can be loaded at any time — the water bath keeps food refrigerated until it’s time to begin cooking.

Mellow weighs the food to determine cooking time, and using the companion app, owners simply let the device know what they’re cooking, what time they want it to be ready for, and how they’d like it to be cooked. The device can prepare almost any type of food — cooked meat, poached eggs, or boiled vegetables.

As users continue to cook with Mellow, it learns their taste, enabling them to tweak its cooking settings and receive recommendations for dinner. The video below shows the machine in action:

[youtube id=”AiNmTI51GPw” width=”620″ height=”360″]

Mellow is currently available to pre-order for US$400. Are there other machines that could enable more complicated, automated cooking options in the kitchen?


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