Step will be rolling out events in multiple cities across the region

Step will be rolling out events in multiple cities across the region

Ray Dargham, co-founder and CEO of Step, highlights that the idea of creating a platform to bring like-minded people together has fascinated him since his student days. That inspired him to start Step over a decade ago, and today, it has become a robust networking platform and innovation hub with global ambition.

What inspired you to create Step Conference, and what was the vision behind it?
From my school days through college, I’ve seen firsthand the incredible impact of bringing like-minded people together. That’s what inspired me to create Step, a platform where people can forge meaningful connections and fuel the growth of their businesses.

How has Step Conference evolved since its inception, and what key milestones or moments stand out to you in its journey?
In the last 12 years, we’ve seen an incredible journey of bringing together startups, venture capitalists, and mentors. Our focus has been on innovation and staying ahead of the curve each year. This year has been no different with the addition of a dedicated AI track, which featured dozens of insightful sessions, cutting-edge AI startups and funds focussed on AI.

We’ve also got some heavy hitters from Silicon Valley, including Amjad Masad from Replit, Jeremiah Owyang, and Chris Yeh from Blitzscaling Ventures, sharing their expertise at the event.

Can you elaborate on the significance of Step Conference within the region’s tech and startup ecosystem?
We’ve established a robust global networking platform and innovation hub, uniting innovators, entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and enthusiasts across various sectors. We’ve facilitated collaborations and connections across borders by discussing and exploring the latest trends, advancements, and opportunities in technology, entrepreneurship, and related fields.

Moreover, we’ve successfully enabled scores of startups to expand their reach by securing funding and fostering synergies within the business community. For Step 2024 alone, the total value of funds is $8.2 billion, and we see this as a huge boost to businesses and the startup ecosystem at large.

How does Step Conference differentiate itself from other similar events, both regionally and globally?
Step Conference stands out in several key ways. First, we prioritize facilitating authentic connections while also providing insights into the latest trends and technologies. Our roster of speakers, talent, and investors reflects diverse backgrounds and industries, ensuring a rich and varied experience for attendees.

Moreover, our commitment to adaptability is a key advantage. We continuously refine our content and formats to remain responsive to the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and entrepreneurship.

What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in organising and growing Step Conference, and how have you overcome them?
We’ve faced numerous challenges since our inception. Initially, we were unknown in the space, and it took us years to build a reputation and get any sponsors. After that, we faced many challenges dealing with the scale of the events. In other words, going from event amateurs to event professionals. We then faced and survived COVID-19, which was a big challenge for everyone in the events space.

How does Step Conference foster collaboration and innovation among startups, investors, corporates, and other stakeholders?
In addition to our annual conference, we’re working behind the scenes, setting up hundreds of meetings between startups and investors and linking startups with experienced mentors. These meetups have led to countless partnerships and investments.

We’ve also introduced an app designed to simplify networking. Users can easily locate fellow attendees, shoot them a quick message, and even book impromptu meetings right on the spot. 

Could you share some success stories or examples of businesses or individuals who have benefitted from participating in the Step Conference?
Startups that showcased at Step have cumulatively raised more than $1B. We can’t take credit for all of that, but a small part of their success. These names include some of the biggest in MENA, such as Trukker and Sarwa. We’ve also helped many others hire great talent, find new clients, or make great friendships.

In what ways does Step Conference support and promote diversity and inclusion within the tech and entrepreneurship sectors?
We’ve been a leader in diversity, especially when it comes to our speakers. We’ve always had an almost equal women-to-men speaker ratio. In fact, most of our team are women.

What trends and developments do you see shaping the future of the tech industry, and how does Step Conference adapt to stay relevant?
Undoubtedly, it’ll be AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). We’re witnessing a massive influx of investment in the GenAI initiative, and it’s not just happening at the corporate level; nations are jumping on board, too. This isn’t just about shaping the MENA region – it’s about reshaping the world we know.

Think of it as Software 2.0, poised to be history’s most significant technological leap. We’re talking bigger than the Industrial Revolution and even the Internet itself. 

Can you speak to any initiatives or programs launched by Step Conference to support early-stage startups or entrepreneurs?
Our programs are mostly part of our events, the most important one being the Startup Basecamp (showcase). This helps startups get out in front of investors. We also pre-arrange hundreds of meetings between startups and investors. In addition to that, we hold a pitch competition at each of our events.

What advice would you give aspiring entrepreneurs or individuals looking to impact the tech industry?
My advice is to take advice from people who haven’t built companies with a grain of salt.

Looking ahead, what are your aspirations for the future of Step Conference, and how do you plan to continue driving innovation and entrepreneurship through the event?
Looking ahead, we’ve got big plans on the horizon, and it’s all about doubling down on our vision.

Firstly, we’ll work on strengthening the Step brand by creating even more opportunities for budding startups and investors to connect and thrive together. It’s all about empowering those high-growth businesses and fostering a dynamic ecosystem.

Besides that, we’re also gearing up to expand our reach through a partner hosting model for global event organisers. We’ve been getting many requests to bring the Step experience to new markets, and we’re ready to answer the call. By leveraging the strength of the Step brand, we’ll be rolling out events in multiple cities across the region, opening up even more doors for startups to shine.


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