
Haltia.AI unveils “KNOW” ontology

Haltia.AI has unveiled the world’s first “KNOW” ontology, a groundbreaking technology that empowers AI with real-world knowledge in ...

UAE emerges as the new hub for AI Startups

Aspiring AI leaders, take heed: California’s recently passed Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047) threatens to cripple innovation with overly burdensome r...

Strategic CRO essential for fueling growth in AI startups

Innovation alone isn’t enough for startups to thrive in today’s fiercely competitive AI landscape. A strategic Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)...

Haltia.AI acknowledges UAE government’s role in driving AI Startups to innovation

Haltia.AI acknowledges Dubai’s crucial role in its ascent to becoming a leader in AI. The company’s flourishing in UAE is a direct result ...

7 cardinal mistakes startups make with VCs

Talal Thabet, CEO and Co-founder of Haltia.AI, a veteran entrepreneur, shares his thoughts about startups, their mistakes while chasing the VCs, and h...

Dubai-based startup Haltia.AI looking for Series A funding

Dubai-based startup Haltia.AI emerges from three months of meticulous planning and stealth operations to make its grand entry onto the global VC stage...

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