
People Using Desktops More to Bank Online, Says Survey

Despite mobile banking rising in popularity among UAE consumers, most prefer to conduct online banking through their bank’s desktop site, according to...

Canon Survey Reveals Print Usage Trends of SMEs in GCC

A printer usage survey conducted by Canon Middle East among 1,000 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) throughout the GCC revealed that their use of mu...

Survey says the rise of digital devices drives new viewing habits

Adults around the world remain hooked on TV but the consumption habits of content-hungry viewers are changing rapidly,

Disruptive cyber attacks a growing concern for Middle East companies, says BT

Disruptive cyber-attacks are becoming more effective at breaching security defences,

The Keys to Turning E-Shoppers Into E-Buyers

Few industries have enjoyed a boom like the e-commerce industry has in recent years.

MEA Survey Reveals Increasing Investment in Biz Apps

According to new research, only one in four companies (25%) in EMEA meet the definition of a  ‘Transformer’ – a company that describes its use of IT i...

Flexibility stems costly staff turnover says Regus

Business people in the Middle East reveal flexible working is often the make-or-break of job offers.

Malware, spam and phishing remain the threats most commonly encountered in GCC

Attacks that employ a variety of malicious programs, phishing attacks, and spam remain the cyber threats most frequently encountered by companies.

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