Wamli.com Determined to Raise Awareness and Funds this Movember

Wamli.com Determined to Raise Awareness and Funds this Movember

Wamli.com, the region’s only one-stop online store where you can find quirky, diverse and exciting products, has initiated a campaign to participate in Movember. The whole Wamli team will take part in this global phenomenon, which takes place in November and involves the growing of moustaches to raise awareness and funds to fight prostate and testicular cancer.

The campaign has been initiated via social media channels and features the special hashtag: #MoWamli. With every use of this hashtag, AED 1 will be donated by Wamli to the Movember Fund through the Movember website.

“Movember is a cause that has become very dear to us at Wamli.” said Rabih Ghandour, CEO, Wamli.com. “Everyone at Wamli is growing a Moustache in the hope to raise as much awareness as possible. To show that we are fully committed we have created the #MoWamli Hashtag, donating AED 1 to the Movember Fund every time it is used, across every social media platform. We feel that our involvement in this project will help to promote cancer research, diagnosis and treatment – especially here in the UAE. We want to make a difference.”

As part of the UAE Movember campaign, Wamli has decided to host a Shave-a-thon! This promises to be a fun filled moustache-themed charity event, where attendees will shave off their precious moustaches that they have been growing throughout the month. Guests will also be entertained by a wide range of crazy-funky-cool activities aimed at raising awareness for the Movember cause.

Wamli has joined in the fight against prostate cancer in the UAE by creating their own office ‘MoTeam’ which features their all male staff sporting quirky moustaches. They have also created a Wamli Mospace page on movember.com and are collecting donations for the cause. To view the page and donate to the Cancer Research Fund, go to mobro.co/wamli and click ‘Donate to me’.


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