GoDaddy highlights impact of AI on small businesses

GoDaddy highlights the potentially transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on small businesses. With AI technologies like ChatGPT gainin...

Generative AI software market to be $36 billion by 2028

The popularity of ChatGPT spawned an array of startups and kicked off a race by major technology providers to compete for mindshare. Revenues of gener...

Sheraa hosts first ChatGPT hackathon

With the objective of leveraging the power of ChatGPT and exploring its potential for driving innovation within their respective fields, Sharjah Entre...

Abwaab to offer personalized educational experience

Abwaab, the edtech startup in MENA, has announced that it has integrated OpenAI’s ChatGPT to equip its students with a more personalized and rich test...

Generative AI to usher in a bold new future

New research from Accenture finds that generative AI and other rapidly evolving technologies are ushering in a bold new future for business as physica...

Sprinklr launches self-service social media management solution

Sprinklr has announced the launch of a self-service version of its industry-leading social media management solution Sprinklr Social. Social media tea...

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